Ayurveda Treatment for Irregular Periods
The menstrual cycle, that comes very early, late or absence of the menstrual cycle is called Irregular periods. The menstrual cycle usually occur at an interval of 28 to 35 days. Menstrual periods last four to seven days. Irregular periods treatment can be taken as irregular periods include periods that occur before 21 days or more than 35 days gap, variation in three to four continuous cycles indicates irregular periods.
How Irregular Periods are Diagnosed with Symptoms?
• Missing or absence of periods
• Very less menstrual flow than usual
• Periods occur in less than 21 days or more than 35 days gap
• Menstrual flow last longer than 7 days
• Brown spotting between periods
• Heavy bleeding
• Length of the cycle varies every month
What are the Causes of Irregular Periods?
• Lifestyle changes caused by stress, diet, infection due to viruses, gain and loss of weight.
• Underlying health issues because irregular periods are
• Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism
• Endometriosis
• PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease)
• Uterine or Ovarian cancer
• Bleeding disorders
• Birth control pills
• Hormonal tablets
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What are the Tests Done to Find out the Cause of Irregular Periods?
• Ultrasound
• Endometrial biopsy
• Hysteroscopy
• Pregnancy test
• Blood routine test
• Pap smear test
What are the Common Symptoms?
• Bleeding or spotting between periods
• Heavy bleeding during periods
• Absence of periods
• Delayed periods
In Ayurveda, irregular periods are referred to as ‘Arthava dushti’. Arhtava Dushti is a condition that refers to disorders related to menstrual irregularities in women. Arthava dushti is caused by an imbalance in vata, pitta, and kapha dosha. Also, symptoms depend on the underlying cause.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Irregular Periods:
Irregular periods treatment ayurveda involves the holistic approach to treat irregular periods which includes diet and Lifestyle changes, ayurveda herbal remedies, and other Panchakarma therapies. The goal of Ayurvedic treatment and Ayurvedic medicine for irregular periods is to treat the root cause, restore the balance of the doshas, and promote overall well-being.
Ayurveda panchakarma therapies are advised to cleanse the toxins and balance the doshas, treating the vitiated doshas by addressing the root cause of the health condition.
1. Abhyanga
Body massage with medicated oil helps to balance doshas and promote relaxation. It also reduces stress, as stress is one of the causes of irregular periods.
2. Virechana
One of the important Panchakarma therapy to cleanse the digestive system and the ama(toxins) from the body, and balance the vitiated doshas by regulating the regular menstrual periods.
3. Basti
The herbal decoction is administered through the rectum to cleanse the colon improve digestion, balance the vitiated doshas, and treat irregular periods.
Ayurveda Herbs to Treat Irregular Periods:
• Shatavari
• Ashoka
• Triphala (Amalaki, Vibhitaki, Hareetaki)
• Guduchi
• Ashoka
• Kumari
• Lodhra
• Fenugreek
• Haridra
Role of Diet in Irregular Periods:
Diet plays an important role in the management of irregular periods. According to Ayurveda, a balanced diet can help balance the doshas and promote overall health and well-being. These are some dietary tips that can help regulate menstrual cycles:
1. Eat a balanced diet: A balanced diet that includes whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats can help balance the hormones and regulate menstrual cycles.
2. Avoid processed foods and packed food: Processed foods, such as refined carbohydrates and sugars, can disrupt the hormonal balance and lead to irregular periods. It is best to avoid these foods as much as possible.
3. Include fiber-rich foods: Fiber-rich foods, such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, can help regulate bowel movements and improve digestion. This can help balance the doshas and regulate menstrual cycles.
4. Drink plenty of water: Drinking plenty of water can help flush out toxins from the body and improve overall health. It can also help regulate menstrual cycles by improving hydration and reducing inflammation.
5. Avoid caffeine and alcohol: Caffeine and alcohol can disrupt the hormonal balance and lead to irregular periods.
6. Avoid dairy products, fat, fried, salt, and sugar-rich food.
Role of Yoga:
• Yoga is a way of living life healthily.
• Yoga plays a significant role in treating irregular periods and improving menstrual cycle irregularities.
• Few asanas work on abdominal organs and pelvic muscles.
• Surya namaskar
• Baddhakonasana
• Pashchimottasana
• Padahastasana
• Bhujangaasana
• Viparita Karani
Along with Anuloma viloma pranayama, kapalbhati pranayam, by practicing above asana and pranayam can regulate menstrual cycle. So, with Ayurveda treatment, ayurvedic medicine for irregular periods, dietary changes, tips, and yoga irregular periods can be treated and prevented.