Rejuvenate your stomach: Ayurveda treatment and medicine for Stomach ulcer
Stomach ulcers are the open sore that develops on the lining of the stomach. A stomach ulcer or gastric ulcer can occur in part of the intestine, just beyond the stomach called a duodenal ulcer. To get rid of this, Ayurvedic treatment and Ayurvedic medicine online can be taken.
Stomach ulcers are a type of peptic ulcer disease. Peptic ulcers are ulcers that affect both the stomach and small intestines. Stomach ulcers occur when the thick layer of mucus that protects your stomach from digestive juices is reduced. This allows the digestive acids to get away at the tissues that line the stomach causing an ulcer.
Stomach ulcer is treatable easily if diagnosed early, but can become severe without treatment.
What are the Causes of Stomach Ulcers?
Common causes are usually caused by Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori) bacteria.
• Long-term usage of NSAIDs (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as ibuprofen, aspirin, and naproxen.
• Rare condition called Zollinger-Ellison syndrome that causes stomach and intestinal ulcers by increasing the body’s production of acid.
• Spicy, acidic food
• Coffee, alcohol
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Ayurveda explains stomach ulcer is caused by to imbalance in tridoshas, also symptoms varies upon the dominant doshas varies from individual to individual. Pitta plays a very important role. Ayurveda explains ulcers as Annadravashool, which means pain due to indigestion of unhealthy food, that affects the metabolism by disturbing agni. Also, some ulcers are called parinama shoola, pain occurs due to parinama that is during the digestion of the food.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Stomach Ulcer:
Ayurvedic treatment for Stomach ulcers is planned depending upon the dosha dominant in a specific individual.
• Langhana – fasting
• Vamana
• Virechana
• Vasti
Ayurveda treatment aims basically to improve agni, balancing of doshas, and treating, and healing ulcers. Ayurveda treatment for Stomach ulcers is mainly based on Aahara, vihara, and Nidanaparivarjan (Avoiding causative factors).
What are the Ayurveda remedies, Ahara (diet) to be followed to treat stomach ulcers?
1) Food at the proper time, as appetite indicates alarm for the release of acids and needs food at a specific time, so having food at a proper interval of time is very important.
2)Fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables are intake daily, as they are rich in flavonoids and help in the healing of ulcers like apples, papaya, pomegranate, and berries.
3)Foods rich in probiotics like buttermilk, yoghurt, and custard apples are natural sources of probiotics, as probiotics are living microorganisms that restore the gut microbiota that keeps your digestive system healthy.
4) Coconut water is a naturally available drink, that helps to heal ulcers and also kills the bacteria that cause ulcers due to its anti-bacterial qualities. Also using coconut oil for cooking is very beneficial.
5)Yashti madhu churna helps to treat ulcers.
6)Jeera and coriander seeds boiled in 1 cup of water and filtered, having this tea daily heals ulcers.
7)Always have fiber fiber-rich diet like seasonal fruits and vegetables.
8) Honey, pure honey has an enzyme called glucose oxidase. Honey helps to heal and also prevents stomach ulcers.
What are the Aahara and vihaara to be avoided to prevent and treat stomach ulcers?
Non-vegetarian food that are rich in fat-
• Spicy, fried, oily heavy to digest food
• Citrus food
• Tea, coffee, and beverages
• Alcohol intake
• Smoking
• Skipping food
• Overeating
• Lack of activities
Important Ayurveda Herbs used to Treat Stomach Ulcers:
• Haridra (Turmeric)
• Amalaki
• Katuki
• Kumari
• Yashti madhu
• Adrak
• Neem
• Maricha(Pippali)
Role of Yoga to Treat and Heal Stomach Ulcers:
Yoga-specific asanas help to improve agni Bala and balance vitiated dosha, improving the mental and physical health of the individual.
Asanas Help to Treat Stomach Ulcers are-
• Mandukasana
• Vajrasana
• Ushtraasana
• Naukasana
• Pawanamuktaasana
• Bhujangaasana
• Padahastasana
• Balasana
• Pranayamas like Nadishuddhi pranayama
• Shitali and shitkari pranayama
Shitali and sheetakari pranayama are cooling pranayamas that helps to reduce the burning sensation of the abdomen, and pain, relieve stress, and heal stomach ulcer. So, diet, Ayurveda treatment for stomach ulcers, and yoga help to treat and prevent the condition.